Tree weeks ago I've received a permanent visit of a nice friend..
Luckily for this city and me in particular, Libby decided to move to Madrid and she has chosen me as her roommate! So we are sharing an apartment, which I like very much!
A week before she moved, I went to Berlin to visit Regina and I met her family and some of her friends, I had a nice time there, despite she had a big pain in her lower back, so we were kinda stuck in her apartment.
I told my boss I'll take some days off for Christmas, but the plan I had is gone, so now I have to decide if to stay here in Madrid with friends or take those days and make a trip.. in that last case, I think I'm getting a call from the east.. and most probably, it will be answered..
Monday, October 5, 2009
Libbing life
Monday, August 10, 2009
Painting the reality
Last saturday I went with Luciano to the Prado Museum and we've delighted our minds with the great temporal exposition of Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida, one of the painters I like best!!
Let me give you this little show of his work (click to enlarge):
If you like his work from a tiny image, imagine how great is to have them less than one meter from your hand..
I would love to know some painting techniques.. but as usual, time is never enough! So I'll try to paint something with no clue of what I'm doing.. just to have fun.. I'll let you know the (for sure funny) result.. ;)
PS: do you have a Debian testing/unstable machine?, what are you waiting for running: " apt-cache show dirdiff | grep Maintainer " ? hehe..
Thursday, July 30, 2009
On the road again
Hi everyone! I think this blog needs an update! ;)
I'm now enjoying the Debconf9 in Caceres! Lot of fun, tech talks, and different kind of people joined together by a goal in common: A free (as in freedom) Universal Operating System called Debian.
During my time here, and thanks to Luciano, I've adopted a package, which means I'm going to maintain it on Debian Repositories. I've chosen a tiny one to get handy on the packaging process and bug tracking for Debian. Hope I can have time to get the skill I might be missing and adopt another one at some point.
The city is pretty good, I'm staying at the 2nd residence for attendes (Colegio Mayor "Francisco de Sande"), which is an old, huge and "laberintic" school, and luckily my room has a very nice and open view.
On the other hand, I've uploaded the pictures of my trips to Bilbao and Lisboa, check them out! :)