Monday, July 25, 2011


It was December 2007 when I last visited Barcelona.

Back then I thought/hoped my life will end up a certain way. Now I know that was just a silly thing, to try to predict the future, cause no one can.

I'm writing this on the way back from the mentioned city. This time everything was different: the people I went with, the season, the city itself, and of course, the experiences I lived there.

I'm not particularly happy to what I'm gonna find back home.. a lot of work (or maybe too little, which is worst), a very hot weather, no beaches and an uncertain and unpredictable future.

I keep thinking unconnected things: we are too many, don't tied yourself, be free, ensure your future, there's no way to do the previous one cause nothing is 100% certain, so just relax and enjoy... but what if I could ensure a 70% and still enjoy every moment? What if I could live on holidays forever? I know that's not even close to real happiness..

No one knows what the future holds.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rest In Poetry

I'm a bit tired.. maybe more cause it is 4am, but mainly because I want to spend more time creating things than fixing problems. I want to be a creator, a free mind surrounded by life and not a jailed mind looking for oxygen. Anyway, I think I'm heading in the right direction..

I need to explore without forgetting others mistakes, knowledge must pass through generations. I know not every painting, folded metal or recycled carton is art, not every scratch means creativity. If I see crap, I want to feel free to call it crap, as I always did..

Here, a great quote from Alfred, Lord Tennyson..

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


wow.. more than an year uh?.. who would have thought it..

I was thinking about closing this blog, but I won't!, cause I like it!, then I was thinking about changing the language I post in, but I won't either!, cause I'm in a phase where I don't want to think I'm annoying someone with little details..


I always liked Visual Arts in general, and lately, that passion for creativity applied on graphics, made me introduce myself into photography.. So I've just opened a DebiantArt account where I will be uploading the results of this part of me..

"Flow like water to go through the walls" [me]