Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Everyone knows how important it is to have a place for oneself..

.. a place to be yourself, to rest, to read, to sleep, to wake up late, to eat, to jump, to excercise, to scream, to be quiet, to manage your own schedule, to do almost any kind of silence or noise..

A place where you can be yourself, with pros and cons, organized|a mess, clean|dirty, healthy|junk-food-eater, proactive|lazy, happy|angry, tired|energized, talkative|speachless,..

Besides it can be a place to share, to invite people in, to enjoy with friends, a meeting point sometimes and maybe a studio or a temple some other times..

For some geeks that would be your: grep `whoami` /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $6}'

In other words, your little world.

Well, since the past few days this has been my humble abode in Tres Cantos (Madrid).

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