Monday, August 25, 2008

Mild times

It's funny sometimes to see how the long-term goals change/evolve in one's life.. Some of the items of the list we did a while ago we still have them as goals, but some others are just things that were there as a checkpoint to evaluate our growth, but now they are not so important, maybe because we meassure growth in a different way. Some things we wanted so desesperatly, we don't want them anymore.

It is also very nice to see how some of the goals are reached without even put an ounce of effort on them. I think those are usually things that we consider important to survive in our day by day life, like tiny impulses to keep walking.

Lately I feel I need to sit down, check and review all my goals and update my list considering my actual level of thought.. maybe one day soon..

I've just finished reading "The science, its method and its philosophy" by Mario Bunge, an excellent book about epistemology, so a very good place to find some information about the methods involved in the process of doing science and creating ideas with a nice philosophical point of view.

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